Images for Twitter

In the world of digital marketing, there is no doubt that content is key. While most of us will spend time perfecting copy and keywords to improve our website’s SEO ranking, or social media search results, we should be paying equal attention to our imagery – and here’s why…



1. 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text.


2. Using images in your social media posts improves engagement. On Twitter engagement on posts including images is 35% higher than those without. Whereas Facebook users will see 53% more likes on posts with an image which in turn are 84% more likely to receive a link click.


3. Images help your audience remember your message. We remember 10% of what we hear once 72 hours have passed. If we’ve seen a supporting image, this increases to 65%.


4. Images help with your organisations visual identity which is just as important as your brand voice.


5. Images have a strong emotional factor which can bring out emotion in an audience and encourage them to act.



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